Hiking with Anne


Fresh Mountain Water

Norwegian mountain water is so clean, that one can drink right from streams.




Drinking stream water. It is very cold and good.



Picking Blueberries

Me just climbing around trying to pick the best blueberries.



A Norwegian tradition while hiking in the mountains is to pick blueberries and place them on a blade of dried grass. Then eat them off one by one while hiking.



Hiking Up to the Reservoir

A friend and I hike up to the reservoir where Stryn receives all of its water from. The hike was very fun, and the view of incredible.



Top of the World

In the winter months this reservoir is cover by up to 12 feet of snow. The area looks muck like a tundra ecosystem would; very few trees and mainly small grasses lived in the area.



Drinking Water

Standing by the lake where Stryn gets all of its drinking water from.




I like the blue in this picture.



In the forest and mountains, cows and sheep wonder around looking for food.

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